Take-Your-Pic.com is unique in that we are not limited by the constrains of a studio. We feel a studio is too formal and structured. That may be fine for some photographers, but we feel you as the subject and we as the photographer have more freedom to express ourselves without this confinement.

To that end, we do all of our shooting on location. Surely, you feel more comfortable in your home than in an unfamiliar setting. This relaxed state assures us that we will capture you at your best and makes for a most pleasant experience. The rest of the family, and even Fido, will agree.

Our mobility allows us to be where the action is. This would include sporting events, conventions, business meetings, school functions, Mardi Gras balls, etc. There is just no way to “stage” the atmosphere of these events.

Some of our clients include LSU Ourso College of Business, LSU College of Basic Sciences and I.P.R.D. Sports Leagues to name only a few. We also cover many of the area high school games and supply action shots to local newspapers and also post the action on our site.

By not having the added expense of a studio, we are able to pass the savings on to our customers adding value to those priceless moments.

We offer a full line of digital products from standard pictures to digital restorations of those treasured family photos. All of our products are printed on high quality photographic paper. The only thing missing is the negative! We can also supply your images on a CD or DVD in any format.

Being 100% digital allows us the creative freedom to make your pictures truly memorable.

Take a few minutes and explore the site to see what we offer and check out our affordable prices. If you’re looking for something not listed, click on the Contact Us link and let us know. Chances are we already offer it.